How to Change the View of Your Schedule

Use the Edit View button to add or remove an employee or resource, or move their position on your screen. Once you have the schedule view set to your desired preferences, you can use the Show Options button and save the view you just created as a Schedule Favorite. You can set up multiple schedule favorites for different views to quickly switch between them. Set your most commonly used schedule view as the Default, and each time you go to your schedule, it will be on the view you prefer.

  1. From the homepage, select Schedule from the top left menu bar.
  2. Click the Edit View button to customize your schedule view. Once you click on it, the Edit View button will turn blue. You can change the view by using the x and/or arrow symbols above the employee/resource name.
  3. To remove an employee/resource from the schedule, click the circled x above the employee/resource name. To move the employee's schedule to the left or right, click on the corresponding arrow key to change their position.
  4. When you have completed these changes, click the Finish Editing button.

You now have a new schedule view:

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