I Need Extra Time Between Lessons

If you need time between appointments (lessons), you can apply Lead-In Time or Lead-Out Time. Lead-Out time is the most commonly used option. This feature adds time to the END of your appointment. 

Lead-In Time is found on the Details page of the service. 

Consider a One Hour lesson with a standard 60 minute duration. If you add Lead-Out Time of 15 minutes, your appointment now has a total duration of 75 minutes.

When using Lead-Out Time, you must consider your Start Times Setting. In the screenshot below, the Start Times setting is On The Hour. Consider the following example:

  • Appointment scheduled for 9 AM
  • Appointment ends at 10 AM
  • Lead-Out Time adds 15 minutes to the end of the appointment for blocking purposes.
  • The next appointment cannot be booked until the top of the next hour, which is 11 AM.

The solution for this scenario is to change your Start Times setting to On The Quarter Hour. See final screenshot below.

On The Quarter Hour 

In the example above where the appointment starts at 9 AM and ends at 10 AM, Lead-Out Time blocks the instructor calendar until 10:15 AM. The Start Time of On The Quarter Hour allows the next appointment to be booked at 10:15 AM.

Lead Time Considerations

The examples below are based on 15 minute lead times added to one hour appointments and are related to your availability settings. 

Lead-In Time 

Lead-In Time affects when appointments can begin. If your availability starts at 8 AM, the first available appointment would be at 8:15 AM. If you want your first appointment to be at 8 AM, your availability must start at 7:45 AM. This ensures 15 minutes are available prior to the start of your first appointment. 

Lead-Out Time

Lead-Out Time affects when your last appointment will end. If your availability ends at 6 PM, the last appointment would be booked at 4:45 PM. If you want your last appointment to be booked at 5 PM so it ends at 6 PM, your availability must end at 6:15 PM. This ensures that 15 minutes are available after the end of your last appointment.

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