Creating a Resource and Adding Availability

What is a Resource?

Resources are the hardware, equipment, and tools that need to be reserved in order to fulfill the description of a Service.

Navigate to your Resources tab and select edit on the resource you would like to add Availability to.

After selecting edit, you will be taken to the Details tab of a resource, and from there you will open the Availability tab.

How do I Create Availability for a Resource?

Once on the Availability tab, take the following steps:

  1. Click on a day of the week to open the settings options.
  2. Set your start time and end time for that day.  a. Start time is the beginning of the first appointment of the day.  b. End time is END of the last appointment of the day.
  3. Set Is Required to Yes if the service can only be booked if this resource is available.
  4. Set Apply to All Units to Yes if you would like this line of availability applied to every Unit of this Resource Type (if you would like this line of availability to apply only to the selected resource unit set Apply to All Units to No).
  5. Choose the Services that require this Resource by clicking the check box for each item. Do not choose items that do not require this Resource. In the screenshot below, "Fittings" was left unchecked because this Service does not require a simulator bay.
  6. Click the Save button to complete the process. 

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