Creating a Membership

What is a Membership?

A Membership is a tool to offer your customers services (lessons), pre-paid series, pricing, and other benefits exclusive to customers who are members.

How Do I Build a Membership?

Start by going to the Memberships tab of your account settings. Then you will select Add New.

Give your membership a name, add a description (optional), and create a price for your membership and an initiation fee, if applicable.

Determine whether your initiation fee will be taxable and give your initiation fee a name.

If you would like to give members first access to booking appointments, consider using the Advanced Booking Days setting to allow them to book services further out in the future than non-members.

Then, control the length of your membership by selecting a Membership Type. Please note that while there are many options, only the Monthly and 28 Days membership types will allow for a Recurring membership.

Recurring memberships will renew automatically when they reach the end of their term. The price of a membership will be billed to a customer each time a membership recurs. However, the initiation fee will only be charged when the recurring membership is first purchased.

NOTE: Recurring memberships are only available if you accept online payments through your scheduler. Please contact a USchedule representative for information on connecting a payment gateway to your account.

When you are ready for customers to buy your membership, set Available For Purchase to Yes. If you don't want customers to be able to buy memberships on their own, set Available For Purchase to Internal Only. Customers will then only be able to purchase a membership with help from you or your staff.

Purchase Availability controls when a membership can be bought. If you are only offering your membership for a limited time select Specific Date Range then set a Purchase Start Date and a Purchase End Date, which will set an enrollment period for your membership.

Determine if your membership is Taxable. This setting is independent of the taxable choice you made when setting up your initiation fee and applies only to the price of a membership.

If you are not controlling how many memberships can be purchased, keep the Max Active Memberships set to 0. This will allow unlimited purchases of your membership, no matter how many active memberships currently exist. The blue Current button will show you how many active memberships exist.

If you are building a recurring membership, you will be able to choose how many months the membership recurs. By default, the Total Billing Months will be set to 0, which will cause the membership to recur indefinitely. 

When you are satisfied with the settings of the membership, click Save

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