Creating a Coupon

How Do I Create a Coupon?

Start by going to the Coupons tab of your account settings, then click Add New.

NOTE: The Coupon feature will be disabled by default until your account has a payment processor connected. If you do not see a Coupons tab within your account settings, please reach out to USchedule Support to enable the Coupon feature within your account.

  1. Create a coupon Code. This is the code your customers or you will enter to redeem the coupon. The code can be made up of a series of letters and numbers.
  2. Write a Description for your coupon. This description will describe to you the discount your coupon code will provide. This description will not be visible to your customers.
  3. Decide what Discount Type you will use: Percent Off - A discount that is calculated as a percentage of the purchase total; Flat Rate - A predetermined discount that remains the same across all eligible purchases.
  4. Determine a Discount Value for your coupon. NOTE: If you select Percent Off as your Discount Type your Discount Value will be rendered as a percentage. However, if you select Flat Rate your Discount Value will be rendered as a dollar value.
  5. Assign To - This setting controls what kind of purchase is eligible to receive the discount:

Per Order - Allows the coupon to be used on any purchase within your scheduler (as long as eligibility requirements by other settings are met); Per Service Type - Allows the coupon to be used on ALL services of a designated Service Type; Per Service - Allows the coupon to be used ONLY on a single designated service; Per Event - Allows the coupon to be used on any occurrence of a specified event; Per Event Occurrence - Allows the coupon to be used ONLY on a single occurrence of a specified event; Per Series - Allows the coupon to be used on the purchase of a specified series (pre-paid service); Per Event Category - Allows for the coupon to be used on any event within a specified Event Category.

  1. Is there a Minimum Purchase Required in order for your coupon to be redeemed?
  2. Assign a Start Date and an Expiration Date that will create a window of time in which your coupon can be used. (Optional)
  3. Max Uses - Decide how many times globally (all uses, by all users) your coupon can be used before becoming invalid. (Optional) Example - If Max Uses is set to 100, once your coupon is used 100 times in total, it will no longer be redeemable. NOTE: Entering 0 in this field will result in unlimited use of this coupon globally. This is also the default setting if no value is entered.
  4. Max Uses Per User - Decide how many times a single customer can redeem this coupon. (OptionalExample - 1 Max Uses Per User would allow John only one use of the coupon before becoming invalid for his customer profile and no longer receiving a discount when he attempts to use the coupon. NOTE: Entering 0 in this field will result in unlimited use of this coupon per customer. This is the default setting if no value is entered.

Once you have verified all the settings suit your needs, select Save and your new coupon has been created.

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