My Customer Can't Log In

The most common reason a customer cannot log in is because they don't remember their username or password. You can help them with the options shown below. 

When customers (or employees) cannot remember their login information, there is a Login Help option found on the login page. There is a "forgot password" option that will help a current customer or employee get logged in. An email with instructions will be sent to the email address in their profile. 

If they are a new customer and do not have a login, they can use the registration option to get started. 

If you need to assist your customer, you have three options, shown below. 

In the customer profile, click on the Login tab. 

  1. Change Username.
  2. Change Password--you will not see the current password. It is encrypted for security.
  3. Send Password Reset email--this is the same password reset email that a customer can initiate from the "forgot password" option on the login page. 

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